Sunday, March 29, 2009

First Session A Success!

The first session of PREP YOURSELF, held March 25 at the UOG Cafeteria, was a huge success! Almost 70 students representing nearly all of Guam’s high schools made the commitment to raise their SAT scores by registering for the six-week workshop, which will take place Wednesdays until April 29.

The first session focused on the format of the SAT and general test-taking strategies. The featured guest speaker was St. John’s School college guidance counselor Bob Kelley, who advised students on registering for the SAT and applying for SAT fee waivers. AmeriCorps Program Director and UOG counselor Claudia Taitano also made a presentation on the University of Guam as the “Natural Choice” for an undergraduate college education.

We also announced a new project: SAT Math Practice Sessions with Wai-Chi Lau, an AmeriCorps partner with years of SAT Math tutoring experience under his belt. On Tuesday evenings from March 31 to April 14, Mr. Lau will be guiding students through Math practice tests and addressing specific problem areas. Please contact for more information these sessions.

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